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Thursday, June 6, 2024

I would like a little cheese with my whine, please.

 The last week has been really stressful, and my anxiety about selling on Ebay has returned full force. So much so I took down all my listing. It has to do with a lot of old toys Hubby had me sell. We got a decent amount for them, but now I'm freaking out. What if this happens or that happens? All these things running through my brain, and I'm having mini panic attacks waiting for what might happen or not happen. I'm probably just over thinking everything, but that's what I do stress myself out completely. I've relisted a few books, but I probably won't feel comfortable listing more until I'm sure nothing bad is going to happen. The stress of worrying over it is just to much. 

Confession... Toxic trait- When I get like this I tend to stop eating. Even if I'm feeling hungry I'll purposely ignore it until I start feeling woozy. I know I shouldn't and it's not good for me. It's not a healthy way to deal with stress or anxiety. I understand that. Yet I still feel like I have to I don't know have control over something. Does that even make sense?

Sorry for this whiney post I just had to get this off my chest. 

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